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Message from the President January 2015

Message from the President

Welcome to 2015! I hope everyone had a great holiday break, taken the chance to recharge and are excited for the year ahead.

As you can see, we're seeing in the New Year with a new look website. The new site will give everyone the chance to see what we've got coming up this season, and there's going to be a lot, so keep checking for updates, audition notices and production details. There's also lot of great gems from PLoT history scattered throughout, so have a look around and enjoy the memories! If you've got any other bits of PLoT history please email them to us at

Speaking of history, we're really excited to be celebrating the 20th anniversary of the society this year. We'll be celebrating the coming season at Amor bar on Friday 6th February from 8.00pm, where we’ll be talking about the upcoming season, introducing the new executive and announcing upcoming auditions and events. If you’d like to join, head on over to our facebook event and let us know you’re coming. We’d love to see you there!

Along with this website going live, we're also pleased to announce our productions for this year. Opening the season will be the Twelfth Night or What You Will, staged on a beach setting in the early 1960s. Expect a lot of colour, laughs, sexiness and overall good times! Auditions will be held mid-to late February, so keep an eye on the website and our Facebook page for more information.

We'll also be performing an adaption of Robert Louis Stevenson's classic adventure novel Treasure Island. This is going to be a big, silly, pantomime production of a type we haven't tackled for quite some time. Don't be afraid if the source material is a little masculine; there will be a lot of gender bending in this production :-D

We are also in the early planning stages for a production featuring the later, more politically motivated works of the great playwright Harold Pinter, which we're collectively calling ‘The Sketches’. More information about that project will be released later in the year.

There's a brief lull at the moment, but it's all about to kick off. We hope to see you at our Night of Nights, and later in the year as we unleash Season 2015.

CJ Bowers

PLoT President

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